Music has been a constant thread through my life, from earliest childhood singing and music making until the present time. I am committed to making singing easy and fun through the Natural Voice approach, and have worked with all ages creatively throughout my life. I lead drop-in groups in Wangford, E Suffolk, and work with Family Carers in the Lowestoft area, helping singers of all abilities to enjoy and feel at ease with the joy of harmony singing.
Professional qualifications and areas of expertise / special areas of interest
I have trained in Humanistic Psychotherapy and Bereavement support, working for Norfolk CAHMS and Nelsons Journey using the Arts to help people express and overcome trauma. Previously, after qualifying at UEA, I spent many happy working years as a Middle School teacher, running a dynamic Art curriculum.
Singing and team teaching experience
My work has involved Team teaching with Tracy Sharp since 2012, and prior to that with Bridget Cousins since 2005, leading Community groups, HeartSong and Music in our Bones sessions.
I have been a regular singer and performer with Heartbeat, a women’s a capella group based in Halesworth, from 1991 to the present, and spent a year exploring the rich harmonies of Georgian songs in a choir until 2020.
Training and professional development experience.
Attending countless enriching workshops, courses and residential trainings, led by highly experienced NVN practitioners, from 1990 to the present, has given me support and guidance in my role as a singing leader. In addition, these training days and weekends help me to keep in touch with current ideas and provide endless repertoire. I also attend Music in Our Bones leaders meetings regularly to evaluate, share ideas and plan our work.