A cappella singing is all about the immersion of the self into the community.
That’s one of the great feelings – to stop being me for a little while, and to become us.
Brian Eno
So why sing?!
Music in our Bones have researched the benefits of Singing in detail and some links can be viewed here, but below is a summary of the benefits we found from singing.
Music in our Bones believes very strongly in giving people back that belief. We hope to restore people’s confidence that it is our birthright to sing, that each of us has a unique voice to develop, and that we CAN, together with others, do it!
Physical Benefits
Members and our research suggest that some of the possible benefits that can be seen from singing include:
- Reduces pain by relaxing and freeing the body of tension “Really enjoy it, on a high afterwards. I look forward to it, forget the pain, takes my mind off it as I’m in a lot of pain at the moment”
- Improved circulation “ My fit-bit notes the change in my heart rate as the evening goes on. Tightness reduces in my body.”
- Improved breathing. “ Singing helps me calm down, refocus, take time out from the family to do something for me. Time to share – time to breathe.”
Emotional, Psychological and Cognitive Benefits
We strongly believe that benefits on the mind of singing are huge, some of the feedback we have received regarding this includes
- Singing takes us out of ourselves, lifting us free of the worries and difficulties we may be feeling haunted by. “It’s an experience which is uplifting and a million miles from the caring role.” “ Today I came in sad and depressed and now am uplifted, full of joy and happiness”
- Singing frees us to express both our joyful energy, and our tears sometimes in a safe space. “I’m bipolar and find singing contains the ‘tigger’ in me!”
- Singing releases endorphins and tends to help us to ‘feel’. “It lifts me, helps me relax and makes me aware of a full range of emotions.”
- When we sing with others, we are taking care of ourselves, so we have more on offer when we leave. It helps sustain Family Carers with challenging roles. “The singing seems to create a space within me to enable me to breathe and to remember the importance of self-nurture – in filling up my own cup, I have the strength and capacity to carry on giving and caring.”
“Singing offers social support and friendship….
and provides a sense of community and social inclusion.”
Choral singing, well-being and health: summary of findings from a cross-national survey
- Singing can help overcome isolation and loneliness and the superficial way we often relate to each other. In creating a powerful shared experience together, we create strong bonds between us. “It’s like a big family. Everyone’s there for each other, we forget out troubles”
- Singing with others allows us to become co-creators of something beautiful. “ I enjoy being part of a group and creating something which is more than the sum of the individual parts.”
- Singing brings us together as equals, couples when one partner has a long-term condition, often feel it lets them live life more fully in the moment. “Yes motivation for my husband to want to get up shower and dress – generally look forward to singing – being with others as a couple a Mr and Mrs, not a carer and cared for!”
- Acceptance is a vital ingredient in our singing. We only feel part of a community if we feel accepted and if we have a choice about when and how we want to join in. Singing with Music In Our Bones offers this. “Singing gives me time out, to feel part of and accepted no matter if I’m feeling low, crying or laughing.”
See how it can benefit you
We hope this gives you a taster as to why singing my benefit you! Please contact us to plan a free taster singer with the group of people you work with. tracy.sharp43@ntlworld.com or jenniesings@hotmail.co.uk or flowerstogether@gmail.com