Enjoy a selection of videos of events and flash mobs that Music In Our Bones have taken part in over the years.
Tea party Fundraiser & Sing! – October 2024
Unitarian church Ipswich – July 2024
Lets Celebrate National Women’s Day 2024!
Listen to the beautiful voices of Lifting Spirits at Rickinghall Church with National Women’s Day in mind!
Flash Mob- February 2024!
Radio Suffolk- Community Matters 18th August 2023
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0g2zpjh – Click here for Tracy’s interview!
Tracy was invited to talk on BBC Radio Suffolk in the COMMUNITY MATTERS programme with Angelle Joseph. Tracy shared 8 or so songs that matter to me/to us! Hope you enjoy the show!!
‘Hold You In Our Heart’ – fundraiser at St Peters on the Waterfront Church in May 2023
‘Hold you in our circle’ – a message that goes out, with thanks, to all our singers both those able to be with us in person and to everyone else who we felt were beside us in spirit. A huge thank you for all the support at our fundraiser at St Peters on the Waterfront Church in May. An amazing £815 was raised and much fun was had by all!!
Flash Mob Tower Hall – February 2023
Flash Mob Fundraiser – Ipswich December 2014
On 5th Dec 2014 at John Lewis department store Ipswich, more than 30 singers from across our groups joined together for a festive flash mob sing at John Lewis, Ipswich who generously invited us.We ‘flashed’ three times during an hour in the afternoon disguising ourselves as shoppers in between performances! Thanks to everyone’s support we raised 80 pounds to help keep our workshops running. Have a look, you’ll see it was a lot of fun. Keep a look out for our next event and join us!
World Mental Health Day 2011
Music In Our Bones ran a Flash Mob with Music In Mind to help celebrate and publicise World Mental Health Day and Suffolk’s month of well-being events 80 people joined us on Monday 10 Oct 2011
Organised by Music in Mind with support from The Mind Sanctuary, Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and Suffolk County Council.
Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Month was a diverse series of events aimed at helping members of the community to a health body and a healthy mind. Events took place at locations including Beccles, Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich, Lowestoft, Newmarket, Saxmundham, Stowmarket, Sudbury and Woodbridge, and involve organisations such as Alzheimer’s Society, NHS Suffolk, Suffolk Family Carers, Survivors in Transition and Suffolk Libraries.
Tracy Sharp, one of our singing leaders, said at the time that: “The chosen song will be a closely guarded secret until the actual day! But I can tell you that it is the perfect song to get our message across, as it is about overcoming struggles and triumphing over adversity.”
We hope you enjoy watching these videos as much as we did performing them.