Making music together connects with us at a profound level. It has the ability to tap into deeply held feelings and hopes, and to share from the darkest despair to the most uplifting optimism.
Changing Tunes
Covid-19 update
Groups are up and running again. Hurray! But we are also now offering online singing opportunities too. Please open the ‘OUR GROUPS’ tab for details. Or do email or 07757809297 to find out more about these opportunities to sing with us.
Although we are now able to meet face to face, please be aware that singing itself is a high risk activity, as Covid-19 and other respiratory infections are easily spread when we are singing. Because of this, we are continuing to take care of our most vulnerable singers by:
- Singing in larger venues where necessary.
- Encouraging mask wearing for people with additional health concerns or caring responsibilities so we know to give them additional personal space
- Discouraging anyone from coming who feels ill in any way, even if it seems it’s just a cold! This is to keep everyone as safe as possible from unwanted chest and covid infections.
- Keeping a good flow of air through the rooms we sing in, so wrap up warm!
- Sitting people in our usual circle but with spaces between us.
- Ensuring that all singing leaders test weekly for Covid to check they are negative.
- Please check if you haven’t sung for a while with us to see if there have been any changes to your venue, or the day of the week or timing of your group on 07757809297.
Not everyone feels ready to come back to face to face singing yet so our fortnightly zoom sessions on a Wednesday afternoon may help to stay in touch (these can be found in the OUR GROUPS tab). If neither works for you at the moment, do just phone for a chat on 07757809297 leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

- Zoom contact – We offer two on-line sings a month via Zoom. We can help you learn how to do this if you’re not a pro already so do make contact!

- Regular email contact – just send us your email address if you’re not on a list already.
And a legacy from the pandemic!

- Singing sessions via YouTube – We have filmed sings for you all. If you need a lift, do drop in and sing alongside us. click here to see the channel.

- Singing sessions recorded on CD and posted to you – contact us with your address if you would enjoy these.
Online Choirs to Try
There are many other singing leaders offering regular zoom choirs you can join. It’s a matter of finding someone you relate to and whose style of teaching you enjoy. We recommend Natural Voice Choirs
Improve Your Confidence with your Voice
Or maybe you’d like a daily warm up to strengthen and develop your voice during the pandemic
Find Help
And if things are especially difficult for you at the moment, these other organisations might be helpful:
NHS advice and free pilates / yoga /exercise classes Take their quiz and be directed!
NHS First response
Start Something New
Or if you feel you need a rewarding challenge ( should you feel able to muster up the motivation!) now you have much more time on your hands. Here are some ideas which are free:
- Learning or returning to another language: try Duolingo
- Exploring your creativity: See Inside Out Community
- Try learning the instrument you’ve always wanted to play! There are lots of free on-line courses via You Tube. For instance, try this one for guitar players or have a look at this site which lists other guitar lessons that may be work for you.
- Health and Well-being Events at Suffolk Libraries Online- there are lots of free online events for you to try here
- Enjoy some theatre – live screenings with the National Theatre
- Support the local film theatre – live screenings
Or try Joe Wicks senior workouts or chair exercises via You Tube!
Or let us know what’s helped YOU and we’ll add it to the list